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Financial Aid Consumer Information Q&A

Tulsa Tech offers the following federal (TitleIV) and state need-based aid to those who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and qualify:

Tulsa Tech does NOT participate in the Federal Direct Loan program. Students will not be able to receive federal subsidized, unsubsidized, PLUS or Perkins loans for attendance at Tulsa Tech.

You must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program
  2. Meet one of the following academic criteria:
    • Have a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent (e.g., HiSEt or GED)
    • Be home-schooled, as required by state law
  3. Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  4. Have a valid Social Security Number with the Social Security Administration, if required
  5. Have not obtained an undergraduate degree
  6. Not exceeded 600% of the Lifetime Eligibility Used for Pell Grant.
  7. Not be in default on a Title IV loan or, if in default, have made satisfactory repayment arrangements
  8. Not be liable for an overpayment of a Title IV grant or Federal Perkins Loan or, if liable, have made satisfactory repayment arrangements
  9. Must be in compliance with SAP requirements