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Success Centers

Catch up, get ahead, or prepare for your next level of success.

Tulsa Tech Success Centers will meet your learning needs

A Success Center student studies at a computer

Success Centers provide educational access to any secondary student or adult needing to recover high school credit or earn first-time credits. Education is provided through the online platform Edgenuity.

Success Centers operate during the months of September – July. Operating hours vary by campus. Please check your preferred location below.

We partner with all high schools located within Tulsa County.

Who can attend?

  • High school students
    High School Students
  • Open to Adult students
    Adult Students
  • Secondary students seeking first-time credit or credit recovery
  • Secondary students seeking coursework that does not fit into their schedule due to conflict
  • Secondary transfer students needing course credits to meet graduation requirements
  • Eighth-grade students wanting first-time high school credit the summer before their ninth-grade year
  • Adult students needing credit recovery or first-time credit in order to obtain their high school diploma

Cost Per Semester Course

Each semester course costs $45. This includes all necessary supplies. Once tuition is paid, no refunds will be possible.

Location Information